Wire Stranding Classes

Wire stranding classes refer to the categorization of stranded wires based on their construction characteristics. Stranding involves bundling multiple thin wires together to create a single, thicker conductor. This design enhances flexibility and reduces wire breakage compared to a solid wire of equivalent size.

Concentric-Lay Conductors

CLASS B Stranding Wire: Power Cables. It’s commonly used in applications that require moderate flexibility, such as building wire, industrial cables, and control cables.

CLASS C: Power cables where more flexible stranding than Class B is desired. These are cables that need to endure moderate bending and movement, like machine tool wiring and portable cords.

CLASS D: Power cables where extra flexible stranding is desired.  This is used in highly flexible applications, such as robotics and repetitive movement environments.

Rope-Lay & Bunch Stranded Conductors

CLASS G: All cables for portable use.

CLASS H: Cables where extreme flexibility is required. (i.e. take-up reels)

CLASS I: Apparatus cable and motor leads.

CLASS K: Cords and cables composed of No. 30 AWG copper wires. Stationary service. It is used in applications requiring high flexibility and durability, such as welding leads and flexible connectors.

CLASS M: Cords and cables composed of No. 34 AWG copper wires. Constant service.

Stranding Class Number of Strands Flexibility Typical
Relative Cost
Class B Moderate Low Building wire, fixed wiring in conduits Low
Class C High Medium Machine tool wiring, light-duty flexing Medium
Class D Higher High Robotics, cables requiring frequent bending High
Class K Very High Very High Welding cables, portable cords Higher
Class G, H, I Extremely High Maximum Specialized applications, extreme flexibility Highest

Selecting Wire Stranding Classes

Selecting the appropriate stranding class depends on the specific requirements of the application, including mechanical stress levels, environmental conditions, and cost considerations.